phil schniter - research
phil schniter - research
selected overview talks:
dissertations / theses supervised:
current supervisees:
Saurav Shastri
(PhD student): AMP algorithms, plug-and-play algorithms, MRI
Chris Ebersole
(PhD student): Novelty detection, contrastive learning, radar
Matt Bendel
(PhD student): MRI, conditional GANs
Jeffrey Wen
(PhD student): MRI, conditional normalizing flows
Xuan Lei
(PhD student): MRI, registration
public software packages:
DDfire: Solving Inverse Problems using Diffusion with Fast Iterative Renoising
pcaGAN: Improving Posterior-Sampling cGANs via Principal Component Regularization
deepECpr: Fast and Robust Phase Retrieval via Deep Expectation-Consistent Approximation
TaskUQ: Task-Driven Uncertainty Quantification in Inverse Problems via Conformal Prediction
rcGAN: A Regularized Conditional GAN for Posterior Sampling in Inverse Problems
MRI-CNF: A Conditional Normalizing Flow for Accelerated Multi-Coil Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Sketch-SPM: Sketching Datasets for Large-Scale Learning
D-GEC: Denoising generalized expectation consistent approximation for inverse problems with Fourier-structured operators and signals
corr+corr: A deep-net denoiser for correlated noise
RED: Regularization by denoising, score-matching by denoising, RED-PG algorithms
LAMP: Onsager-corrected deep neural networks (Learned AMP and learned VAMP)
D-VAMP: Denoising-based Vector AMP.
Co-L1: Iteratively Reweighted L1 Approaches to Sparse Composite Regularization.
SMLR-AMP: Sparse Multinomial Logistic Regression via Simplified Hybrid GAMP.
HUT-AMP: Hyperspectral Unmixing via Turbo GAMP.
GrAMPA: GAMP for Analysis Compressive Sensing.
BiG-AMP: Bilinear GAMP: a solver for matrix completion, robust PCA, dictionary learning, and related problems.
EM-NN-GAMP: Expectation-Maximization Non-Negative GAMP.
EM-GM-GAMP: Expectation-Maximization Gaussian-Mixture GAMP.
EM-BG-GAMP: Expectation-Maximization Bernoulli-Gaussian GAMP.
EMturboGAMP: A general framework for turbo-GAMP that use Expectation Maximization to automatically learn the priors and likelihood.
DCS-AMP: AMP for the Dynamic Compressed Sensing problem.
MMV-AMP: AMP for the Multiple Measurement Vector problem.
Turbo-GAMP Channel-Estimation/Equalization/Decoding: Turbo GAMP applied to joint estimation/equalization/decoding of OFDM signals transmitted over channels with clustered-sparse impulse responses.
Turbo-AMP Imaging: Turbo AMP applied to Compressive Imaging that exploits tree-sparse structure.
FBMP: Fast Bayesian Matching Pursuit (FBMP): A greedy approach to Bayesian sparse reconstruction.
The BERGulator: A Matlab-5 simulation environment for blind fractionally-spaced equalization via CMA.
Direct Adaptive Linear Equalizer (DALE) Laboratory: A Matlab-5 simulation environment for trained fractionally-spaced equalization via LMS.
Adaptive Linear Identifier (ALI) Laboratory: A Matlab-5 simulation environment for trained fractionally-space channel identification via LMS.
(last updated )