ECE 301 |
The Ohio State University Tentative Outline and Reading Assignments |
Autumn 2006
ECE301 Syllabus |
Topics | Reading |
Sep 20 |
Review of ECE-205 |
handout |
22 |
Introduction to the Laplace Transform | 9.1 |
25 |
Basic Properties and table pairs | 9.2 |
27 |
Pole-zero diagrams and inverse transforms | 9.3-9.5 |
29 |
Circuit response with Laplace Transforms | 9.6 |
Oct 2 |
Scaling properties, IV and FV theorems | 9.7 |
4 |
Transformed circuits | 10.1 |
6 |
Circuit analysis | 10.2 |
Circuit theorems | 10.3 |
Circuit theorems | |
13 |
Nodal analysis and mesh analysis (handout) | 10.4-10.6 |
16 |
function definitions, Op Amps |
11.1-11.2 |
18 |
response and step response |
11.3-11.4 |
20 |
steady-state response and convolution |
11.5-11.6 |
23 |
Network function design (handout) |
11.7 |
25 |
Midterm 1 (histogram) | solutions |
27 |
Network function design | |
Nov 1 |
response, first-order circuits |
12.1-12.3 |
3 |
response, first-order cascades |
12.4 |
6 |
Frequency response, RLC circuits | 12.5 |
8 |
Bode diagrams,
real poles/zeros |
12.6 |
10 |
University Holiday - Veterans Day | |
13 |
Bode diagrams, complex
poles/zeros |
12.7 |
15 |
Active filter design: second-order
low/high-pass |
14.1-14.2 |
17 |
Active filter design: second-order band-pass/stop | 14.3 |
20 |
Midterm 2 (histogram) | solutions |
22 |
You deserve a
break... |
24 |
University Holiday –
Columbus Day (Observed) |
27 |
Active low-pass filter design:
1st order cascades |
14.4 |
29 |
Active low-pass filter design:
Butterworth |
14.4 |
Dec 1 |
Active low-pass filter design:
Chebychev |
14.4 |
4 |
Final Exam (histogram) |