Download and Install

The files required for SMLR-AMP are hosted online as part of the GAMPMATLAB package. The best way to obtain the most current version of the code is to checkout a working copy of the repository from SourceForge using the terminal command:

svn co gampmatlab

Alternatively, the current version of the code is periodically stored in a zip file and made available for download on the GAMPMATLAB site.


  1. Download the GAMP package via the above svn command.
  2. Move the directory "gampmatlab" to the location of your choice. Add this location to MATLAB's path.
  3. SMLR-AMP is called using the function "mcGAMP.m". All files needed to run mcGAMP.m are located in "gampmatlab/trunk/code/classification".
  4. Run the classification demo located in "gampmatlab/trunk/code/examples/classification" directory to ensure SMLR-AMP is working properly. The same demo is provided here for comparison.