Version History
Version 4.3 (6-14-13)
Changed to default option optEM.heavy_tailed = true and added the option optEM.robust_mat to handle cases when the sensing matrix gives issues.
Version 4.1 & 4.2 (6-05-13)
Various bugs and alterations were made to code:
- Cleaned up GAMP warm starting to account for adaptive step size.
- Various outputs (EMstate, param, xvar) now all collected in structure EMfin
- Now user can alter GAMP and EM options without knowing all other defauls. For instance, if one wants to decrease the EM tolerance, they simply need to do EMopt.EMtol = 1e-5, and then call xhat = EMGMAMP(y,A,EMopt).
- Switched the order of GAMPopt and EMopt as input parameters.
- Decreased GAMP iterations to 4 and increased EMiterations to 60.
Version 4.0 (1-15-13)
Added the EMGMAMP Model order selection (EM-GM-GAMP-MOS), which automatically selects the number of GM components L. To call simply use xhat = EMGMAMPMOS(y,A).
Version 3.0 (12-01-12)
Added option for estHist output. This structure contains per-iteration GAMP quantities such as the step size and the cost function.
Version 2.0 (4-18-12)
Updated for the Complex and MMV cases. Now code is included in the GAMP sourceforge package (See download section).
- plot_GM - Plots the estimated pdf for real or imaginary case.
- EMGMAMPdemo - Updated to show plot_GM's usage.
Version 1.1 (3-27-12)
Updated error checking and miscellaneous bugs.
Version 1.0 (3-19-12)
First release of the EM-GM-GAMP algorithm.
- EMGMAMP - CS recovery alorithm
- plot_GM - Plots the estimated pdf.
- EMGMAMPdemo - Demo file illustrating EMGMAMP and its options
- All other functions are to be used internally by EMGMAMP
© 2015 Jeremy Vila
Template design by Andreas Viklund