Interest in compressive sensing (CS) and sparse signal reconstruction is growing at a rapid rate, and so is the amount of information available to those who wish to learn more. Provided below are links to other websites that can provide further information on the subject, as well as to interesting work being undertaken by others in the CS community.

Compressive Sensing Resources

  • CS Resources - A very comprehensive clearinghouse of information about all facets of compressive sensing, maintained by the DSP group of Rice University's ECE department

  • CS: The Big Picture - A nice tutorial site on the many different aspects of compressive sensing

  • Nuit Blanche - A compressive sensing blog, updated almost daily, with many references to work taking place across the CS community

  • Sparse Reconstruction Algorithms

  • GPSR - A webpage for the algorithm "Gradient Projection for Sparse Reconstruction"

  • SparseLab - A Stanford University software package that contains Matlab implementations of several popular sparse reconstruction algorithms

  • BCS - A site for Duke University's "Bayesian Compressive Sensing" algorithm
