The Ohio State University
Course Syllabus
ECE 301
Analysis and Design in Circuits and Electronics
Autumn 2006
Prerequisites: ECE 205, Math 415, and acceptance in Elec & Cptr Eng major.
Course Objectives: 1. Students will apply math and science to be able to use the laws of electrical circuits.
2. Student will learn to identify, formulate, and solve electrical circuit problems.
3. Students will learn to design a system of components to meet the needs of frequency filtering of signals received by an antenna.
Text: The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, 5th edition, R.E. Thomas and A.J. Rosa, Wiley (2006) ISBN 0-471-76095-1
Instructor: Prof. Phil Schniter, DL760, email:
3:30-4:18pm MWF, HI 035
Grader: tbd
Office Hours: See main course page


Grades will first be computed according to the following percentages.
  Midterm Exam 1 22.5%
  Midterm Exam 2 22.5%
  Final Exam (Mon Dec 4, 3:30pm–5:18pm) 35%
  Type A Homework 5%
  Type B Homework 15%

Exams: All exams will be closed book, closed notes, though I will allow you to bring one letter-sized sheet with one side of handwritten (not photocopied!) notes.  If you have a legitimate prior excuse for missing the scheduled exam time, let me know at least one week in advance.  If you miss an exam without prior arrangment, but due to emergency (e.g., illness, traffic accident, etc.) you must contact me as soon as possible and have satisfactory written documentation to be elegible for a make-up exam without penalty.   If you are late for an exam, you will not be given extra time.
Final Exam:  The final exam will be comprehensive, but greater weight will be given to material from the last third of the course. 
Type A Homework: This homework will typically consist of one or two problems due at the beginning of the class period after it is assigned.  It will not be accepted more than 10 minutes late.  This type of homework facilitates: 1) review of concepts/skills needed for the upcoming lecture, and 2) provides further motivation to complete the assigned reading. 
Type B Homework: This is more traditional homework.  It will cover material from previous lectures and will usually be due two or three lectures after it is assigned.  A 10% per -day penalty will be assessed for late assignments up to the time at which the solutions are published; after the solutions are published, late assignments will not be accepted.

(; Last updated Wednesday, 20-Sep-2006 14:07:04 EDT)