
function results = trial_rpca(optIn)
%trial_rpca: This function runs several algorithms on a sample
%instance of the RPCA problem. The function can be run with no
%arguments. See the nargin==0 block below for the required fields to call
%the function with optional paramters. The function returns a structure of
%algorithm results.
%This code can be used to produce the results for the noise free phase
%plane plots for RPCA in the BiG-AMP arXiv submission.
%(This code conducts a single trial at 1 point in the phase plane.)

%Add needed paths for RPCA examples

%Test case
if nargin == 0

    %Handle random seed
    defaultStream = RandStream.getGlobalStream;
    if 1
        savedState = defaultStream.State;
        save random_state.mat savedState;
        load random_state.mat %#ok<UNRCH>
    defaultStream.State = savedState;

    %Flags to test BiG-AMP variants
    optIn.tryBigamp = 1;
    optIn.tryBigampEM = 1;
    optIn.tryBigampEMcontract = 1;

    %Flags to turn on comparison algorithms
    optIn.tryGrasta = 1;
    optIn.tryInexactAlm = 1;
    optIn.tryVbrpca = 1;
    optIn.tryLmafit = 1;

    %%%%Inexact ALM search
    %%%%Uncomment this line to search over a grid of lambda values for Inexact
    %%%%ALM. Note that IALM-1 and IALM-2 are identical when this line is
    %%%%commented out
    %optIn.lambda_inexactAlm = 1/sqrt(optIn.M) * [1 logspace(-1,1,50)];

    %Problem Parameters
    optIn.M = 200;
    optIn.L = 200;%L >= M for some codes (doesn't matter for BiG-AMP)
    optIn.N = 10; %rank of low-rank component
    optIn.p1 = 1; %fraction of entries in Y observed (typically 1 for RPCA)
    optIn.lambda = 0.25; %fraction of entries corrupted with large outliers
    optIn.nuw = [0 20^2/12]; %First entry is AWGN, second entry is variance of large outliers


Problem Setup

%Flags for BiG-AMP
tryBigamp = optIn.tryBigamp;
tryBigampEM = optIn.tryBigampEM;
tryBigampEMcontract = optIn.tryBigampEMcontract;

%Flags for comparison algorithms
tryGrasta = optIn.tryGrasta;
tryInexactAlm = optIn.tryInexactAlm;
tryVbrpca = optIn.tryVbrpca;
tryLmafit = optIn.tryLmafit;

%Get lambda values for inexact ALM
if isfield(optIn,'lambda_inexactAlm')
    lambda_inexactAlm = optIn.lambda_inexactAlm;
    lambda_inexactAlm = 1/sqrt(optIn.M);

%Specify SNR
nuw = optIn.nuw;
lambda = optIn.lambda;

%Define the true matrix size (Z and Y are MxL)
M = optIn.M;
L = optIn.L;

%Specify N, which is the rank of Z in this setup
N = optIn.N;

%Specify the fraction of on entries in Y, which we shall dub p1
p1 = optIn.p1;

%Get BiG-AMP options
opt = BiGAMPOpt;

%Define the problem
problem = BiGAMPProblem();
problem.M = M;
problem.N = N;
problem.L = L;

Build true low rank matrix

%Compute true input vector
X = randn(N,L);

%Build true A
A = randn(M,N);

%Noise free signal
Z = A*X;

Form the output channel

%Noisy output channel
inds = rand(size(Z)) < lambda;

%Uniform errors
errorWidth = sqrt(12*nuw(2));
Y = Z +...
    sqrt(nuw(1))*randn(size(Z)) +...
    (-errorWidth/2 + errorWidth*rand(size(Z))).*inds;

%Build the perfect version of X2- the large outliers
X2 = zeros(size(Y));
X2(inds) = Y(inds) - Z(inds);

%Censor Y
omega = false(M,L);
ind = randperm(M*L);
omega(ind(1:ceil(p1*M*L))) = true;
Y(~omega) = 0;

%Store locations if any are omitted
if p1 < 1
    [problem.rowLocations,problem.columnLocations] = find(omega);

%Define the error function
error_function = @(qval) 20*log10(norm(qval - Z,'fro') / norm(Z,'fro'));
opt.error_function = error_function;

Establish the channel objects

%Prior on X
gX = AwgnEstimIn(zeros(size(X)), ones(size(X)));

%Prior on A
gA = AwgnEstimIn(zeros(size(A)), ones(size(A)));

%Output log likelihood
gOutBase = GaussMixEstimOut(Y,nuw(1),nuw(2),lambda);
gOut = MaskedEstimOut(gOutBase,omega);

Control initialization

%Use the initial values
opt.xhat0 = zeros(N,L);
opt.Ahat0 = randn(M,N);
opt.Avar0 = 10*ones(M,N);
opt.xvar0 = 10*ones(N,L);

%Initialize results as empty
results = [];

Switch to Non-adaptive

%Run with non-adaptive step for BiG-AMP-1
opt.stepMin = 0.25;
opt.stepMax = 0.25;
opt.adaptStep = 0;

Run BiGAMP-1

if tryBigamp

    %Allow up to 5 attempts
    failCounter = 0;
    tryAgain = 1;
    failTime = 0;

    while tryAgain

        %Increment fail counter
        failCounter = failCounter + 1;

        disp('Starting BiG-AMP-1')
        %Run BGAMP
        tstart = tic;
        [estFin,~,estHist] = ...
            BiGAMP(gX, gA, gOut, problem, opt);
        tGAMP = toc(tstart);

        %Check to see if we have misconverged
        [~,~,p1] = gOutBase.estim(estFin.Ahat*estFin.xhat,estFin.pvar);

        if max(sum(p1)) > 0.8*M || max(sum(p1.')) > 0.8*L
            disp('Misconverged, trying again...')
            tryAgain = true;
            opt.Ahat0 = randn(size(opt.Ahat0));
            failTime = failTime + estHist.timing(end);
            tryAgain = false;

        %Stp after 5 attemps
        if failCounter >= 5
            tryAgain = false;

    %Add in the failed time
    estHist.timing = estHist.timing + failTime;

    %Save results
    loc = length(results) + 1;
    results{loc}.name = 'BiG-AMP-1'; %#ok<*AGROW>
    results{loc}.err = estHist.errZ(end);
    results{loc}.time = tGAMP;
    results{loc}.errHist = estHist.errZ;
    results{loc}.timeHist = estHist.timing;

Starting BiG-AMP-1

Switch to adaptive

%After we run BiG-AMP-1, switch to adaptive step size for -2 and EM
opt.stepMin = 0.05;
opt.stepMax = 0.5;
opt.adaptStep = 1;

Specify Q

%Try a unitary matrix
Q = orth(randn(M));

%Define Q error function
error_functionQ = @(qval) 20*log10(norm(Q'*qval - Z,'fro') / norm(Z,'fro'));

%Change error function
opt.error_function = error_functionQ;

Run alternative BiGAMP

%Define gOut for this version
gOut2 = AwgnEstimOut(Q*Y,nuw(1));

%Make A2
A2 = MatrixLinTrans(Q);

%Create gX2
lambdaMatrix = lambda*ones(M,L);
lambdaMatrix(~omega) = 1; %enforce outliers in unknown locations
inputEst = AwgnEstimIn(0, nuw(2));
gX2 = SparseScaEstim(inputEst,lambdaMatrix);

%Create error function
opt.error_functionX2 =...
    @(q) 20*log10(norm(q(omega) - X2(omega),'fro')/norm(X2(omega),'fro'));

%Define initilizations
opt.x2hat0 = zeros(M,L);
opt.x2var0 = 10*lambda*nuw(2)*ones(M,L);
opt.xhat0 = zeros(N,L);
opt.xvar0 = 10*ones(N,L);
opt.Avar0 = 10*ones(M,N);

if tryBigamp

    %Allow up to 5 attempts
    failCounter = 0;
    tryAgain = 1;
    failTime = 0;

    while tryAgain

        %Increment fail counter
        failCounter = failCounter + 1;

        disp('Starting BiG-AMP-2')
        %Run BGAMP
        tstart = tic;
        [estFin2,~,estHist2] = ...
            BiGAMP_X2(gX, gA, gX2, A2, gOut2, problem, opt);
        tGAMP2 = toc(tstart);

        %Check to see if we have misconverged
        [~,~,~,p1] = gX2.estim(estFin2.r2hat,estFin2.r2var);

        if max(sum(p1)) > 0.8*M || max(sum(p1.')) > 0.8*L
            disp('Misconverged, trying again...')
            tryAgain = true;
            opt.Ahat0 = randn(size(opt.Ahat0));
            failTime = failTime + estHist2.timing(end);
            tryAgain = false;

        %Stp after 5 attemps
        if failCounter >= 5
            tryAgain = false;

    %Add in the failed time
    estHist2.timing = estHist2.timing + failTime;

    %Save results
    loc = length(results) + 1;
    results{loc}.name = 'BiG-AMP-2'; %#ok<*AGROW>
    results{loc}.err = estHist2.errZ(end);
    results{loc}.time = tGAMP2;
    results{loc}.errHist = estHist2.errZ;
    results{loc}.timeHist = estHist2.timing;

Warning: Tiny non-zero variances will be used for computing log likelihoods. May
cause problems with adaptive step size if used. 
Starting BiG-AMP-2


if tryBigampEM

    opt.verbose = false;

    disp('Starting EM-BiG-AMP-2')
    %Run BGAMP
    tstart = tic;
    [estFinEM,~,~,estHistEM] = ...
        EMBiGAMP_RPCA(Y,A2,problem,opt); %#ok<ASGLU>
    tEMGAMP = toc(tstart);

    %Save results
    loc = length(results) + 1;
    results{loc}.name = 'EM-BiG-AMP-2'; %#ok<*AGROW>
    results{loc}.err = estHistEM.errZ(end);
    results{loc}.time = tEMGAMP;
    results{loc}.errHist = estHistEM.errZ;
    results{loc}.timeHist = estHistEM.timing;

Starting EM-BiG-AMP-2
It 0001 nuX = 1.786e-01 nuX2 = 3.497e+01 Lam = 0.10 tol = 1.000e-04 SNR = 20.00 Z_e = -49.3132 X2_e = -40.9036 numIt = 0048
It 0002 nuX = 2.794e-01 nuX2 = 3.465e+01 Lam = 0.24 tol = 3.051e-05 SNR = 45.16 Z_e = -70.2827 X2_e = -62.1218 numIt = 0030
It 0003 nuX = 2.795e-01 nuX2 = 3.334e+01 Lam = 0.25 tol = 2.278e-07 SNR = 66.42 Z_e = -97.0103 X2_e = -88.9233 numIt = 0039
It 0004 nuX = 2.795e-01 nuX2 = 3.318e+01 Lam = 0.25 tol = 1.000e-08 SNR = 93.27 Z_e = -146.7006 X2_e = -146.0320 numIt = 0037
It 0005 nuX = 2.795e-01 nuX2 = 3.315e+01 Lam = 0.25 tol = 1.000e-08 SNR = 151.05 Z_e = -158.3186 X2_e = -157.6460 numIt = 0030

EM BiG AMP with rank contraction

if tryBigampEMcontract

    opt.verbose = false;

    %Enable rank learning with rank contraction
    EMopt.learnRank = true;
    EMopt.rankMax = 90;

    disp('Starting EM-BiG-AMP-2 with rank contraction')
    %Run BGAMP
    tstart = tic;
    [estFinEM,~,~,estHistEM] = ...
        EMBiGAMP_RPCA(Y,A2,problem,opt,EMopt); %#ok<ASGLU>
    tEMGAMP = toc(tstart);

    %Save results
    loc = length(results) + 1;
    results{loc}.name = 'EM-BiG-AMP-2 (Rank Contraction)'; %#ok<*AGROW>
    results{loc}.err = estHistEM.errZ(end);
    results{loc}.time = tEMGAMP;
    results{loc}.errHist = estHistEM.errZ;
    results{loc}.timeHist = estHistEM.timing;
    results{loc}.rank = size(estFin.xhat,1);
Starting EM-BiG-AMP-2 with rank contraction
It 0001 nuX = 1.984e-02 nuX2 = 3.497e+01 Lam = 0.10 tol = 1.000e-04 SNR = 20.00 Z_e = -23.8473 X2_e = -20.4914 numIt = 0050
Updating rank estimate from 90 to 10 on iteration 1
It 0002 nuX = 2.154e-02 nuX2 = 4.515e+01 Lam = 0.20 tol = 1.000e-04 SNR = 24.44 Z_e = -42.2848 X2_e = -34.7173 numIt = 0052
It 0003 nuX = 1.355e-01 nuX2 = 3.485e+01 Lam = 0.24 tol = 1.000e-04 SNR = 38.89 Z_e = -61.7464 X2_e = -53.4662 numIt = 0030
It 0004 nuX = 1.362e-01 nuX2 = 3.351e+01 Lam = 0.25 tol = 1.682e-06 SNR = 57.74 Z_e = -89.6134 X2_e = -81.2595 numIt = 0035
It 0005 nuX = 1.362e-01 nuX2 = 3.320e+01 Lam = 0.25 tol = 1.000e-08 SNR = 85.54 Z_e = -147.0404 X2_e = -146.3593 numIt = 0043
It 0006 nuX = 1.362e-01 nuX2 = 3.315e+01 Lam = 0.25 tol = 1.000e-08 SNR = 151.82 Z_e = -161.3852 X2_e = -160.7517 numIt = 0030

Try LMaFit

if tryLmafit

    %Inform user
    disp('Starting LMaFit')

    %Build LMaFit options
    Lmafit_opts.tol = opt.tol;
    Lmafit_opts.maxit = 6000;

    Lmafit_opts.est_rank = 0; %don't estimate rank

    %Do it
    tstart = tic;
    [Almafit,Xlmafit,~,~,timingLmafit,estHistLmafit] = lmafit_sms_v1_timing(Y,N,Lmafit_opts,[],error_function);
    tLmafit = toc(tstart);

    %Compute error
    ZhatLMaFit = Almafit*Xlmafit;
    errLMaFit = 20*log10(norm(ZhatLMaFit(:) - Z(:)) / norm(Z(:)));

    %Save results
    loc = length(results) + 1;
    results{loc}.name = 'LMaFit'; %#ok<*AGROW>
    results{loc}.err = errLMaFit;
    results{loc}.time = tLmafit;
    results{loc}.errHist = estHistLmafit.errZ;
    results{loc}.timeHist = timingLmafit;

Starting LMaFit


if tryGrasta
    disp('Starting GRASTA')

    maxCycles                   = 20;    % the max cycles of robust mc
    OPTIONS.QUIET               = opt.verbose;     % suppress the debug information

    OPTIONS.MAX_LEVEL           = 20;    % For multi-level step-size,
    OPTIONS.MAX_MU              = 15;    % For multi-level step-size
    OPTIONS.MIN_MU              = 1;     % For multi-level step-size

    OPTIONS.DIM_M               = M;  % your data's ambient dimension
    OPTIONS.RANK                = N; % give your estimated rank

    OPTIONS.ITER_MIN            = 20;    % the min iteration allowed for ADMM at the beginning
    OPTIONS.ITER_MAX            = 20;    % the max iteration allowed for ADMM
    OPTIONS.rho                 = 2;   % ADMM penalty parameter for acclerated convergence
    OPTIONS.TOL                 = 1e-8;   % ADMM convergence tolerance
    OPTIONS.stopTol             = opt.tol; %stop tolerance
    OPTIONS.USE_MEX             = 0;     % If you do not have the mex-version of Alg 2
    % please set Use_mex = 0.
    CONVERGE_LEVEL              = 20;    % If status.level >= CONVERGE_LEVLE, robust mc converges

    %Build the inputs
    [I,J] = find(omega);
    S = reshape(Y(omega),[],1);

    %Call it
    tstart = tic;
    [Usg, Vsg, ~,timingGrasta,estHistGrasta] =...
    tGrasta = toc(tstart);

    %Compute Zhat
    ZhatGrasta = Usg*Vsg';

    %Compute error
    errGrasta = 20*log10(norm(ZhatGrasta(:) - Z(:)) / norm(Z(:)));

    %Save results
    loc = length(results) + 1;
    results{loc}.name = 'GRASTA'; %#ok<*AGROW>
    results{loc}.err = errGrasta;
    results{loc}.time = tGrasta;
    results{loc}.errHist = estHistGrasta.errZ;
    results{loc}.timeHist = timingGrasta;

Starting GRASTA
Level 0: 1.15e-02
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:4.98e-01, vectors: 152, level: 1
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 1
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:1.77e-01, vectors: 64, level: 2
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 2
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:1.09e-01, vectors: 71, level: 3
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 3
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:6.25e-02, vectors: 74, level: 4
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 4
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:2.70e-02, vectors: 79, level: 5
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 5
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:1.14e-02, vectors: 74, level: 6
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 6
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:7.73e-03, vectors: 71, level: 7
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 7
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:3.91e-03, vectors: 91, level: 8
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 8
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:2.03e-03, vectors: 66, level: 9
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 9
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:6.13e-04, vectors: 68, level: 10
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 10
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:3.85e-04, vectors: 91, level: 11
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 11
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:2.27e-04, vectors: 99, level: 12
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 12
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:9.25e-05, vectors: 85, level: 13
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 13
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:4.94e-05, vectors: 89, level: 14
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 14
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:2.32e-05, vectors: 64, level: 15
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 15
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:7.20e-06, vectors: 84, level: 16
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 16
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:1.94e-06, vectors: 104, level: 17
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 17
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:3.51e-06, vectors: 153, level: 18
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 18
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:1.15e-06, vectors: 227, level: 19
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 19
multi-level adaption - increasing, t:5.70e-07, vectors: 398, level: 20
Will use 20 ADMM iterations in level 20

Inexact Alm

if tryInexactAlm

    %Check if we are running with the IALM-1 lambda
    magicLam = sqrt(1/M);
    [magicError,magicLoc] = min(abs(magicLam - lambda_inexactAlm));
    if magicError < 1e-3*magicLam
        magicFlag = 1;
        magicFlag = 0;

    for counter = 1:length(lambda_inexactAlm)
        display('Starting Inexact ALM')
        %Call it
        %         tstart = tic;
        %         [~,~,~,timingInexactAlm,estHistInexactAlm] =...
        %             inexact_alm_rpca_timing(Y, lambda_inexactAlm(counter), opt.tol, 200);
        %         tInexactAlm = toc(tstart);
        tstart = tic;
        [~,~,~,timingInexactAlm,estHistInexactAlm] =...
            Y, lambda_inexactAlm(counter), opt.tol, 200,N,error_function);
        tInexactAlm = toc(tstart);

        %Compute best error
        errInexactAlm = estHistInexactAlm.errZ(end);

        %Save it
        inexactAlmResults{counter}.errInexactAlm = errInexactAlm; %#ok<AGROW>
        inexactAlmResults{counter}.tInexactAlm = tInexactAlm;%#ok<AGROW>
        inexactAlmResults{counter}.errInexactAlmHist = estHistInexactAlm.errZ;%#ok<AGROW>
        inexactAlmResults{counter}.tInexactAlmHist = timingInexactAlm;%#ok<AGROW>


    %Store best result in the structure
    myfun = @(q) q.errInexactAlm;
    yada = cellfun(myfun,inexactAlmResults);
    [~,best_lambda] = min(yada);

    %Save the results for IALM-1 if it was run
    if magicFlag
        loc = length(results) + 1;
        results{loc}.name = 'IALM-1'; %#ok<*AGROW>
        results{loc}.err = inexactAlmResults{magicLoc}.errInexactAlm;
        results{loc}.time = inexactAlmResults{magicLoc}.tInexactAlm;
        results{loc}.errHist = inexactAlmResults{magicLoc}.errInexactAlmHist;
        results{loc}.timeHist = inexactAlmResults{magicLoc}.tInexactAlmHist;

    %Save results for IALM-2
    finalTimes = cellfun(@(q) q.tInexactAlmHist(end),inexactAlmResults);

    loc = length(results) + 1;
    results{loc}.name = 'IALM-2'; %#ok<*AGROW>
    results{loc}.err = inexactAlmResults{best_lambda}.errInexactAlm;
    results{loc}.time = sum(cellfun(@(q) q.tInexactAlm,inexactAlmResults));
    results{loc}.errHist = inexactAlmResults{best_lambda}.errInexactAlmHist;
    %Add times for other lambda values
    results{loc}.timeHist = inexactAlmResults{best_lambda}.tInexactAlmHist...
        + sum(finalTimes) - finalTimes(best_lambda);

Starting Inexact ALM


if tryVbrpca
    options.thr = opt.tol;
    options.verbose = opt.verbose;
    options.initial_rank = N; % or we can use a value.
    options.DIMRED = 0; %don't allow it to reduce dimensions
    options.inf_flag = 2; % inference flag for the sparse component
    % 1 for standard VB, 2 for MacKay. MacKay generally converges faster.
    options.MAXITER = 300;
    %Estimate noise variance? (beta is inverse noise variance)
    options.UPDATE_BETA = 1;
    % If the noise inv. variance is not to be estimated, set
    % options.UPDATE_BETA = 0; % and set beta using
    %options.beta = 1/nuw(1);

    % Select the optimization mode:
    % 'VB': fully Bayesian inference (default)
    % 'VB_app': fully Bayesian with covariance approximation
    % 'MAP': maximum a posteriori (covariance is set to 0)
    options.mode = 'VB';

    %Turn this on to enable random init.
    %options.init = 'rand';

    %Run it
    disp('Starting VBRPCA');
    tstart = tic;
    [timingVbrpca,estHistVbrpca,Zvbrpca,~,~,X2vbrpca] =...
        VBRPCA_timing(Y, options,error_function);
    tVbrpca = toc(tstart);

    %Display errors
    if opt.verbose
        X1_error_vbrpca = error_function(Zvbrpca) %#ok<NOPRT,NASGU>
        X2_error_vbrpca = opt.error_functionX2(X2vbrpca) %#ok<NOPRT,NASGU>

    %Save results
    loc = length(results) + 1;
    results{loc}.name = 'VSBL'; %#ok<*AGROW>
    results{loc}.err = estHistVbrpca.errZ(end);
    results{loc}.time = tVbrpca;
    results{loc}.errHist = estHistVbrpca.errZ;
    results{loc}.timeHist = timingVbrpca;

Starting VBRPCA

Store the options structures in results

results{1}.optIn = optIn;

Show Results

if nargin == 0

    %Plot results
    plotUtilityNew(results,[-80 0],200,201)

    %Show results
    results{:} %#ok<NOPRT>
ans = 

        name: 'BiG-AMP-1'
         err: -153.8604
        time: 0.9514
     errHist: [99x1 double]
    timeHist: [99x1 double]
       optIn: [1x1 struct]

ans = 

        name: 'BiG-AMP-2'
         err: -149.5118
        time: 1.7707
     errHist: [96x1 double]
    timeHist: [96x1 double]

ans = 

        name: 'EM-BiG-AMP-2'
         err: -158.3186
        time: 3.4914
     errHist: [184x1 double]
    timeHist: [184x1 double]

ans = 

        name: 'EM-BiG-AMP-2 (Rank Contraction)'
         err: -161.3852
        time: 4.5046
     errHist: [240x1 double]
    timeHist: [240x1 double]
        rank: 10

ans = 

        name: 'LMaFit'
         err: -164.3741
        time: 0.0994
     errHist: [40x1 double]
    timeHist: [40x1 double]

ans = 

        name: 'GRASTA'
         err: -111.4710
        time: 10.1036
     errHist: [12x1 double]
    timeHist: [12x1 double]

ans = 

        name: 'IALM-1'
         err: -165.0301
        time: 0.6566
     errHist: [36x1 double]
    timeHist: [36x1 double]

ans = 

        name: 'IALM-2'
         err: -165.0301
        time: 0.6566
     errHist: [36x1 double]
    timeHist: [36x1 double]

ans = 

        name: 'VSBL'
         err: -93.6951
        time: 0.2000
     errHist: [1x48 double]
    timeHist: [1x48 double]

ans = 

  Columns 1 through 4

    [1x1 struct]    [1x1 struct]    [1x1 struct]    [1x1 struct]

  Columns 5 through 8

    [1x1 struct]    [1x1 struct]    [1x1 struct]    [1x1 struct]

  Column 9

    [1x1 struct]